About Me

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Just a twelve-year-old obsessed with drawing.


Monday, April 12, 2010


 I've been trying to make my drawings a little more realistic and detailed. Idunno.This is Doobie.

...I love princess bride. If you can't recognize them... sorry. The one on top is Wesley and the other is Vincini. Just a few black and white "studies"..... I can't help but laugh when I type stuff like that. I'm not that official. I like Vincini best. 


  1. Lovin doobie. Keep it up, and don't ever worry that someone is better than you, because there will always be someone better(God). But that doesn't stop us from striving to be better, it motivates us. Keep drawing and you'll inspire a lot of people along the way.

  2. Thanks for commenting Jared. And yeah, I don't really worry too much about God though because all of his beautiful creations are usually ignored despite their magnificence, and still, I don't worry too much about the others, just hate the waiting and practice it will take to get to be like them. I'm glad I can inspire others though it hardly seems believable that I will.

    I just want to hug doobie, no matter how weird feeling his stomach would be...okay, never mind that would be kind of gross.
